

Supporting Member
This is one that I forgot about. This shot was taken while hiking around Providence Canyon and is actually from the same roll of film!

We came across this abandoned car that had been dragged between the two trees and left to rust away. I found it tragic but lovely, and couldn't figure out how the hood ended up in this position. I decided it would be fun to exaggerate the scene, so I used my very wide-angle lens (20mm Pentax) and sat about 5 feet in front of the car. I knew that rear end would compress.

Kodak HIE (infrared) film, printed on Agfa matte silver gelatin, hand colored with Marshall's photo oils and oil pencils.


All comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
Oh, this is nice! Your combination of IR film and hand-coloring score again :) Not only could this be read as a statement on the persistence and resilience of nature, but it makes one wonder what the story of the car and how it came to this resting place might be. This car was new once, right off a post-war assembly line and a showroom floor; who bought it, who drove it - and where...
Wayne, Laf art, Lamar- thank you all for the nice comments. ❤️

Lamar, you hit the nail on the head - the car has a history, and a tie to a human one, at that. I felt the pull that day. :)
It’s so interesting that you thought to use the wide angle lens for this, Terri. It seems to have exaggerated the sad state of this vehicle. It’s almost like a boat washed ashore or something. Great shot!
Thank you, Donna! I'm glad you like the results of my approach on this one. 😀
It does almost look like a paintings/sketch or something. I wish it was bigger! It's an excellent photograph. It's a perfect photograph as a matter of fact. The fact that you came upon it and knew exactly how to capture it in this way. ♥️--all the way!
Maybenartist and Arty - thanks to you both for the lovely comments! ❤️ Photo oils do seem magical on certain images and since infrared prints can look soft and ethereal all by themselves, the colors can elevate that.

Ayin, you're right that it's a small photo - I had a choice between an ancient scan and a cell phone shot and they both looked pretty bad. Ha! I should try to do better for some of my stuff - you'd think I would, wouldn't you? :ROFLMAO: