EIR film - color infrared shots


Supporting Member
The fun thread started by @Hausamann on computer-generated image inversions got my memory tickled. Going through my negative books, I uncovered my negatives from a roll of Kodak EIR film. Long out of production (curse you, Kodak!), it was a real trip to shoot, though as I recall my rolls were already expired. Stuff got snatched up fast when they discontinued it.

I took a couple of rolls on a trip to Bryce Canyon. We usually stay in Las Vegas for a night or two, so I do have some from Vegas but only scanned a few from one roll - the Bryce Canyon roll.

The main fun when shooting is attaching a filter to your chosen lens, which gives very different results on the same roll. With the help of photo editing software, you can also invert them for another look.

Here are a few. These were all taken while hiking around Bryce Canyon over a couple of days.

This first one shows lens flare, which shows up as dark spots. I removed the lens hood thinking I'd probably get some lens flare, and I did.

img526 resized.jpg

Same image, inverted - the lens flare looks fairly normal:

img526 resized, inverted.jpg

Wide vista view from the trail:

img535 resized.jpg

Same image, inverted:

Bryce Canyon EIR larger.jpg

Thor's Hammer (because everyone takes a picture of Thor's Hammer when visiting Bryce!):

img545, resized.jpg

Looks like I added a filter for the next shot - a different look:

img546, resized.jpg

And - because I'm me, your resident alternative process geek, after I got these negatives back in the day, of course I had to do a Polaroid image transfer on a couple.

Thor's Hammer, image transfer from the first negative:

Bryce Canyon EIR IT 2 enhanced.jpg

Oh! I did see a couple of frames on this roll that were taken in Las Vegas. There was (still is?) a Statue of Liberty in front of one of the casinos. When we were there, a roller coaster was in use. That was enough for me to wait for the right moment.

img560 large.jpg

And I made an image transfer out of this negative:

Statue of Liberty EIR IT.jpg

It was dark in the casino, but I couldn't resist this line of one-armed bandits:

One armed bandits resized.jpg

Note: now that I've uploaded these files, I see lots of dust and ick on them. Apologies - will have to clean them up some more.

Thanks for looking!

Thanks for showing and starting a new thread on IR.

I recently bought a Canon T7 type camera and some odd bits, including some filters.
When I get around to taking some filtered shots I'll let you know.
Those are fun Terri. Now that gives me what Paint programs do when the they change hues using filters. You camera buffs were slightly ahead of the computer geeks. 🤓

Thanks for showing and starting a new thread on IR.

I recently bought a Canon T7 type camera and some odd bits, including some filters.
When I get around to taking some filtered shots I'll let you know.
Thank you!

Yes, I can't tell you how many odd filters I've ended up with from buying used cameras or darkroom pieces. People tend to toss stuff into the lot! :LOL:
Those are fun Terri. Now that gives me what Paint programs do when the they change hues using filters. You camera buffs were slightly ahead of the computer geeks. 🤓
Thanks Wayne! :) The computer geeks wrote their photo editing software to exactly match analog techniques. Made it easier to use, supposedly.

I've rarely gotten past resizing and contrast with them, frankly. Don't like sitting in front of the computer too long. I got into the darkroom to get away from the office day job!
Wow! These are amazing! I wish I had your eye. I love the inverted ones as much as the original negs, etc. You are my hero. And I guess I don't see the boogers you speak of. :ROFLMAO: