A Little of This A Little of That


old man

This was just a rum bottle when I started it. I painted it from life and imagination.


simply another abstract . looking at sort of a ying yang comp.


... another abstract working on muted color.


bottles on a table .. imagination .. sure got the jug a little wonky but working on color so drawing not a concern.


another abstract .. sort of .. reminds me of the outskirts of some forbidden street.

All studies .. oil on paper .. 11 x 14 inches .. alla prima .. knife/brush combo .. all painted last week.
I decided to expand my studies and post each week separate as hopefully I can work on a different
project or projects each week. As well, I won't flood the board with a couple a day that add up quickly.
I must say most of my studies now are based on color. What works and what don't.
That according to me, anyway. To those who, thank you for stopping by.
I like the bottles on a table. Great background on that one.
And, for what it's worth, I enjoyed the dailies.
However and whenever you post, it's nice to see what you've been working on. I like the still life studies and the way you don't feel that you have to get all the details. Wonky jugs are more interesting! I like the abstracts too, especially the last one! The colors are great and it hovers between reality and abstraction; my favorite kind of art.
Thank you Lamer. I must say I rather liked the effect. Get lucky sometimes.

Thank you Jo, and Donna.

Details are for cameras. That last one was a desperation move to get a study and it paid big dividens.

Thank you Flowercat and GrantCee
The first one is stellar! It's so elegant. They all are cool, but the flowers in the bottles/jugs are special.
I too like the last one. Recently I read that one purpose of art was to arrest the viewer's attention and engage his/her imagination. This one does; it keeps me coming back to wonder what's behind the gloomy gate, and what its relationship to the brighter, cheerier street in the background might be.

Thanks for sharing it.
Wonderful varied works, Wayne. That last painting has a cool sense of mystery to it.