A last minute save


Well-known member
Last Sunday with my group I worked and overworked a pastel piece to death. Hated the result. No fun. But I did have some time left over.

Sitting next to one buddy, who was painting a landscape and considering adding the screen of wild fennel in the foreground, I was taken by the delicate forms of the dried herb plants themselves. So I broke out my pens and did a quick sketch, added a few strokes of watercolor wash for mountains and clouds. (Real size is 5x7".)

Simpler the better, I suppose! Captured the Zen of it.
wild fennel bedwell park .jpg
A save, indeed - this one stands on its own merit. Simple and lovely, beautiful vertical lines. It's light and airy - one of my new favorites of yours, Bart! A little understated gem. ❤️
A save, indeed - this one stands on its own merit. Simple and lovely, beautiful vertical lines. It's light and airy - one of my new favorites of yours, Bart! A little understated gem. ❤️
Jeez, Terri, you're going to give me a swelled head. I'm just imitating nature. Mother Nature does nice work.

FWIW, my wife dislikes most of my paintings EXCEPT the ones I do in ink and watercolor. Those she loves as they seem fresher to her. Whatever works. This one she liked so much that she asked me to frame it for her, which is a huge shock in our home.
Lovely. I can see why your wife wanted it framed. It's one of those paintings that just makes you feel good to look at it.