A Bug On A Leaf


Well-known member
This is my first ATC in at least a couple of years - the last time I touched those markers would have been before Covid started up. I pulled out the stuff last night on a whim and did this from a reference photo I took in Devon, England. I have no idea what the little guy is, other than being some kind of beetle.


Winsor & Newton alcohol markers on marker paper, fine detail with Staedtler fineliners. Done on the back of the paper with the waxy coating which allows for blending with tissue, lifting off and moving ink around.
This is so cute! I love seeing original artworks like this in these small sizes. I take it that these cards are standard index card size?

Well done!
loving' those greens! interesting how you used alcohol markers, which are NOT subtle, on an ATC. i am taking notes an will have to experiment! :geek:
I love this little piece! I don't know what beetle it is either but I love its shape against the fern and the lovely background colour :)
Beautiful colors. Your interesting shadows lend a lot of depth to the composition. Love the card.
Very nice. Great to get back at it.
I have never worked with alcohol inks. Very interested in your process.
Thanks for sharing,