175Th Street


Well-known member
This is Ronald Bog off 175th

My setup - red arrow points to the bog - green arrow to freeway underpass

Freeway underpass on 175th

The sketch

the block-in -- not much to see

making progress

"175th Street" oil on 18" x 14" panel

comments welcomed
Amazing that you could do this from life! Thanks for the WIPs. I especially like the composition, tree texture, and red glowing lights.
you got that beautiful pond and area and you paint a Bridge .. Good piece of work ..
Even though this has a lot of symmetry, it works well! I love the traffic lights. I mean, this is ever so slightly off-center. Maybe that's what makes it work. It's really GOOD Bongo! I love this. I love all your work, but this is another great one. ♥️
BTW, this seems like a foolish query, but where was this taken? NYC? I just noticed that the traffic was horrendous. In our area, people complain about the "rush hour", when it takes ten minutes to get home instead of five!
You will never be accused of shying away from complicated scenes, Bongo. I always like how you take what you want and leave out what doesn't suit your purpose. Very nice urban painting and thanks always for sharing your view and the steps with us!
Thank you Jo.

Joy, I was always a bit afraid to do Plein Air - and the first few paintings were a struggle, but now it's not an issue. I'm in Seattle, and the one photo was taken at rush hour but it's not near as bad as it looks. Here I've lived close to work, or in the opposite direction of the traffic - also in L.A. (North Hollywood), and Honolulu (Makiki and Kaimuki) so I've never had to deal with traffic - despite living in congested areas.

Wayne (aka enyaw), Perry thank you. I'm into design and composition now, rather than subject matter. Also with painting, everything has been done a million times, but I try to find something that's only been done ten thousand times.

Ayin - you embarrass me with your compliments - but it also feels good. Thank you so much.
thanks Donna - There is a saying - better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit. So, fortunately (or unfortunately) with my (limited) abilities almost everything is a high target.
Yes, but not by you.
Wayne that is wisdom to live by. Something I need to keep reminding myself of, and would encourage anyone who has ever had a moment of enui to have tattooed to their chest (or forehead).
thanks Donna - There is a saying - better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit. So, fortunately (or unfortunately) with my (limited) abilities almost everything is a high target.
Response to "everything has been done a million times"-
Yes, but not by you.
Absolutely outstanding advice for life in general! This is why I enjoy forums such as this. Even though it may be a subject/medium that I do not do, I can learn reading any thread.

And Bongo, your abilities are hardly limited! Looking forward to more of your work.
Ayin - you embarrass me with your compliments - but it also feels good. Thank you so much.
Not my intention! I just think your style is very original and I like your hand. That's all. ;)

BTW: I pretty much grew up in North Hollywood.
Really enjoying your style and subject choice, Bongo - love the way your smoothed paint handling works for the roads and traffic signs. The distant trees in the centre look to be a perfect fit, style-wise, and I'd have been interested to see how it would have worked if you'd carried that through onto the closer trees - but maybe your contrast in texture is a better choice. Great bit of plein air painting, and always appreciate how you share your process.
Very nice, and thanks for the progress photos. Love seeing how others work. ❤️❤️