Yosemite Mountains - Cross Post from Pastels


Well-known member
I like the combination of line and colour. Using pastels with ink can creaate nice effects and put some energy in your picture.
Penny, this is wonderful! If I'm right, this is the view that Thomas Hill painted in the 1880s or so. It's the view that kept pulling me to paint. I had never painted, but I had a photo if it and wanted to paint it. I finally felt competent and eventually did paint my version of his masterpiece a few years ago.
I'm so pleased to see your version of the scene. I wonder if you were there yourself. Yours is a wonderful piece.
Thank you very much, ntl. I didn’t know of the painting by Thomas Hill and will look it up. I’m really pleased you like it. No, I’ve never been to America. I chose it from a photo - it looked so grand and majestic. It’s. Ery kind of you to comment so nicely.
Ah! How interesting. Than you very much for taking the trouble to send the link. I am off to take a look now.

i hope to get a book for Christmas about the Japanese/American, Obata, and his vist to Yosemite.
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Fascinating, ntl. I viewed his paintings and it is the same view that’s in the photo I copied. What a great painter he was. I’m so pleased to have learned about him. Thank you again.

I really like “Resting by a Stream”.

I’d be very interested to see your versions of his work.
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