Yesterday's Studies


Old Barn In Winter.jpg

Blue Can.jpg

Sally 2.jpg

All are 11 x 14 inch .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 18/24
Trying to get that all inclusive looseness .. only loser I think is Blue Can as the colors are not directly related. Will fix that on my next painting which will be flowers but a different composition. The good part of studying your studies is sometimes a bell goes off and you get a new sight.
Below is how they would look framed from a distance. Hope you all have a good day.
FotoSketcher - Sally 2.jpg
FotoSketcher - Blue Can.jpg
FotoSketcher - Old Barn In Winter.jpg
Wayne either you're posting ancient work or you've been truly busy! How many do you usually paint each day?
Hi Bart.
I post the date painted with each posting. Yesterday I painted these three. I like to do one every day but lately it’s been 1 to 3. I had a stroke in September and it did some nerve damage in my neck, shoulder and arm. As a result I could not play my guitar or much of anything. I went on pills to help remedy the situation and the damage started to repair itself after a few months. As first I could paint. After about three months I managed to get my guitar out of the case and play one song. Then it was two, three, and then about an hour. Then after a month I decided that I was doing so well, I would ween myself off the pills as they have side effects like blurred vision and extreme tiredness. Bad move, the arm started to pain and a few days ago I decided to go back to full strength pills and put the guitar back in its case. As a result I am bored shitless as I can’t even shovel my steps without a doctor advised fear of giving myself a heart attack. So, I paint. When I can play guitar that entertains me for a few hours spread over the day. Lol, that was about six hours before the stroke. Anyway, I have time on my hands as I am 73 and retired for about 14 years. I am fortunate that I was not left paralyzed or worse. This will pass but I have to have patience and not rush. I find patience is not something I am blessed with So to make myself not pick up my guitar and punish me left fretting arm I pick up a brush. 🤪
You sure have been busy, Wayne. These are nice and I am especially impressed with the portrait. How you manage to depict the subtle changes in the planes of a face without blending the different colors together is beyond me. I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with the aftermath of a stroke. I hope that with time you’ll be able to function without the pills again or at least get by on a lower dose. It seems they all have unpleasant side effects. Keep painting and hopefully your guitar won’t be put away for too long. ❤️
Thank you Donna. It’s using the values that allows no blending and yes, I will heal. Old folks take longer. 🙂
Hi Bart.
I post the date painted with each posting. Yesterday I painted these three. I like to do one every day but lately it’s been 1 to 3. I had a stroke in September and it did some nerve damage in my neck, shoulder and arm. As a result I could not play my guitar or much of anything. I went on pills to help remedy the situation and the damage started to repair itself after a few months. As first I could paint. After about three months I managed to get my guitar out of the case and play one song. Then it was two, three, and then about an hour. Then after a month I decided that I was doing so well, I would ween myself off the pills as they have side effects like blurred vision and extreme tiredness. Bad move, the arm started to pain and a few days ago I decided to go back to full strength pills and put the guitar back in its case. As a result I am bored shitless as I can’t even shovel my steps without a doctor advised fear of giving myself a heart attack. So, I paint. When I can play guitar that entertains me for a few hours spread over the day. Lol, that was about six hours before the stroke. Anyway, I have time on my hands as I am 73 and retired for about 14 years. I am fortunate that I was not left paralyzed or worse. This will pass but I have to have patience and not rush. I find patience is not something I am blessed with So to make myself not pick up my guitar and punish me left fretting arm I pick up a brush. 🤪

Well! I didn't know any of this and am very glad you are taking the medication as the doctor prescribed. (You know, the one who went to school for this kind of thing.) No second-guessing this close to the event. End of lecture. ;)

Love this landscape - beautiful muted colors. The little patch of snow on the roof makes it. ❤️ The looseness is definitely showing here - great job!
Thanks Terri. Yes, loose is evident.
We don’t have doctors anymore. They go to the big cities where they make more money. I got the pills from an online doctor and after that you are on your own. I talked to the pharmacis who told me how to ween off but not when. Either I went too fast, or too soon, or I played my guitar too long without proper rest. So now I go back to full meds: wait till they kick in and the pain goes away and then guess again as to when I can ween off the pills, etc. It’s a weird world we live in, master Jack. 🎶
I really like the barn, Wayne and I too, like the way the portrait changes values without blending, but as you can guess, I love the flowers. The complements of the orange and blue are lovely. ❤️ ❤️
Wayne! Take it easy, whether shoveling, strumming the guitar, painting, or anything! Be gentle with yourself. I say this, but I need to take the same advice myself, or I could easily be headed in the same direction. I am at high risk for a stroke and heart attacks myself, but I overdo it all the time, so I'm one to talk. LOL. Keep on your meds. I can't believe I'm giving you advice like this. You're teaching me something here! I can only thank you and tell you to do your best to stay healthy as best you can. We need you and your art in this world! ♥️

I love the barn and the flowers the most in this set of three. I've seen better portraits from you, but I still like this one. The expression is very good. ...It's nice that you created a sample of all that you're good at. :)
Hope you get back to full health soon. I'm ahead of you by about 10 years and work hard to keep mobile. Always nice to do for yourself. The flowers strike my fancy. I like the orange and blue complements. Good stuff for yesterday!
Thank you Ayin. I don’t think I am a portrait man. I find them restricting in color. I’ll be good to me.

Thanks Jo.