wringer WARNING (again)


Well-known member
so I use a wringer on my oil paint tubes- and when they get a long crunched - corrugated "tail" - I cut it off so they fit nicely where I store them. All good until this last time when I thought - why not cut them closer to the tube - just leave couple corrugations. WRONG. If you do that when you squeeze out paint, the paint will blow thru the corrugations. And it comes out with FORCE since squeezing the tube applies a lot of pressure on the end. Even if you try to squeeze out paint real gently, a glob will squirt out the end. A tube of Burnt Sienna shot out all the way to my elbow! Looked like I used my arm to wipe my ass. If you leave three or four corrugations you'll be all right, but cut it much closer than that and you'll regret it.

I have three tubes now where I've blown out the bottom - don't know how I'm going to get the rest of the paint out
While I haven't had that major of a blow out before I've had the tubes break some at the bottom. In all of my cases I’ve found that wrapping the lower half of the tube tightly with saran wrap holds it together well though to use and keeps it from drying out.

I’d say fold the bottom closed as well as you can and then try that.
16 - good idea. It just occurred to me, squeeze from the very bottom could help too. I like the saran wrap idea.
16 - good idea. It just occurred to me, squeeze from the very bottom could help too. I like the saran wrap idea.
Yeah. I always try to squeeze up from the bottom but if the tubes already compromised some is still likely to come out.
I also have 3 or so spare empty tubes on hand for if I ever have an emergency.
How small do you need them to be?

This is an acrylic tube, but still metal. I use a jar and flat tipped pliers to flatten them out, getting every last drop of paint, then fold it accordion style and crimp it down on the empty folds. No cutting needed.

Here's an oil tube, unfolded to illustrate.
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