Working With Gray


old man

study .. 11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted June 9/22

I was trying something that didn't work so I scraped it all back and used the grays to make an abstract.
I should have used a few darker values for contrast but it is what it is.
Those are some nice grays and the white/light area gives some contrast. It would have been a shame to waste those colors. I get in trouble as soon as I add darks or strong contrast in my work - then the things appear and I lose the abstraction - so I admire pieces like this very much.
I'm not a huge fan of abstract but these muted colors co-inhabit quite well for a very pleasing effect. ❤️
Thank you Donna. You are very right about the contrast and I am glad you pointed it out. The stronger light is good but one doesn't always have to use it.

Thank you Alabama. Composition is king.

Thank you CaliAnn

Thank you Sno. A nice lace to hide and feel safe.
The composition is dynamic. I think you could treat some areas as underpainting for transparent glazes, once the paint has dried. Some alizarin crimson, phthalo green, and Prussian blue, perhaps?
Thank you Hermes. Glazing is not a thing I do. Tried a few times but I'm an Alla Prima painter

Thank you Ayin and Lamar
It was a good suggestion just out of my reach as I never took the time to study and learn the technique properly.