Wonder where grandpa went?


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. Knife/Brush .. Painted Dec 7/21
.. he went out behind the bushes of course .. country times were different then ..
Will he be my grandpa when we find him? I love his lavender shirt and his disposition. He seems like a loving man and a good caretaker of people. I really love this one. I wish I had a real grandpa.
LOL, another great one. He's pruning the roses or watering the garden. Maybe that's where the still is.
thank you Ayin .. I have neither either or parents .. Age takes it's toll
.. I don't know where he came from but he does look like the grandpa of all times, doesn't he .... just a warm and gentle soul.

Thanks John .. it really doesn't matter does it; he is just enjoying the moment.
Well he can just be everyone’s grandpa, Wayne. He does have the look of a gentle soul. My farmer grandpa wore suspenders and only used bad language at broken—down tractors, never us grandkids although we often deserved it.
A beauty, Wayne! I love this posture, the tilted head and the slant of the hat. He's awesome! ❤️
Thanks Donna .. I don't remember my grandfather much but my father could swear for half hour in English, then a half hour in French, especially if something didn't work like a boat motor.

Thank you Terri .. that one dot on the corner of his lip looked like a smoke or a pipe so I left it. Mostly accidentals on this but that's when it's fun.
Thanks Perry... actually my grandfather had a shot of Brandy and two raw eggs every morning. He lived to 101

Thanks Lamar. You should try another variety. 😅
Thanks Lamar. You should try another variety. 😅
Some see a red bouquet, some see the ragged results of a shotgun blast :)
Either way, I do like the painting. Grandpa looks like a gentleman at home in his environment.
I know that. I was thinking different buds different influence. Probably a bad joke on my part but I thought it was funny. . 😂🤣😂 ..
when I read the title of the post "wonder where grandpa went" - I thought you'd be talking about a member that hadn't posted in a while.
That expression says "dang it, hit my shoes---again"