

old man

Took a step backward on this one and went back to conventional coloring at which I suck. I can't paint anything like it should be so I need to stick with painting things the way I can.
11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima ..
Wayne, you don't suck at this "conventional" palette. I still love your work like this. I might prefer your landscapes that bring in different colors that are unexpected, but this is certainly very beautiful and well done. I love all the grasses peeking up from the snow. What do you think of trying a happy medium between the conventional and the unconventional?
Wayne, seriously, why do you think you suck? Winter coloration is in the orange and purplish-blue range. Prior to sunrise or at dusk your colors would be perfect for winter portrayals. If you want to do more expressionism, then throw in something sparkly in a couple of places, but unless you're after fauvism, what's wrong with this in your eye?
I don't know what should be wrong with this. I love the play of warm and cold colors. It has a nice depth, a good composition and a wintry feeling.
Wayne, you don't suck at this "conventional" palette. I still love your work like this. I might prefer your landscapes that bring in different colors that are unexpected, but this is certainly very beautiful and well done. I love all the grasses peeking up from the snow. What do you think of trying a happy medium between the conventional and the unconventional?
not sure how unconventional I want to be but I don't like to try and capture a likeness in replacement for building a painting. Hard to explain really but somehow conventional coloring seems to make me want to paint objects when I want to paint light. That's all.
Wayne, seriously, why do you think you suck? Winter coloration is in the orange and purplish-blue range. Prior to sunrise or at dusk your colors would be perfect for winter portrayals. If you want to do more expressionism, then throw in something sparkly in a couple of places, but unless you're after fauvism, what's wrong with this in your eye?
Thank you Bart. I know winter well from being brought up in the country. I painted plein air in winters past but now I'm just too lazy and the older I get the less I can endure freezing my A$$ off outside. Anyway, in my eye, this looks like something someone would paint if they were beginning to learn how to paint. I like to think I can do better. I failed miserably as it was a scene with a brook and snow but I got caught up painting objects and made a mess out of the comp so I settled for a field. I think the painting works but it should have been much better. I'll try it again painting values and see where that takes me. Not that I mind the coloring in this, just that it got completely away from me. See my answer to Arty.
I think you did a wonderful job with this, Wayne - conventional colors or "Wayne" colors - it's expressive and has that exhilarating feel of sunlight on snow.
thanks Donna .. all these compliments I'm not having such a hard time accepting it
Wayne,nothing wrong wiht this piece at all....matter of fact it is super.
I think from time to time we all tend to be our own worst critic when it comes to our own work....I know I fall into that mode many times.... so this is really good and the palette, warm vs cool and light effect all work. Plenty of light in this piece...just do the old squint trick and of course it is there and looks great.
Great job my friend.
Wayne, I read your explanation and it sounds like you had a frustrating time at your easel with this one. But you can clearly see that the painting is pleasing to many of us, so despite not going as you wanted you still have a lovely landscape, showing your usual skills with the knife. You're being hard on yourself.

I opened this thread, my eyes fell on your sky, all yellows and blues, and my mind went to Monet. It's not like you ended up with green clouds, My Precioussssss. ;)
thank you Kay, John, and Terri ..
I don't know what to say. After my tantrum I painted it again and the colors are relatively the same but this time I got the water and ice effect I was trying for. It is nice of you all to offer a little uplift. Thank you.