Winter .. Where Snow And Water Make Ice


old man
snow and ice.jpg

11 x 14 oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. brush and knives ..
Yes I feel cold looking at this - and the sky there is very similar to what it is here!

It's a beautiful painting. I really like those blues.
Your winter paintings are making me not dread winter so much, Wayne. There is color and light and beauty to be appreciated and this one does just that!
nicely playing with the tones of the four branches of trees. well done.
That is so good. I sure love how you use the knives. Sometimes you freak me out how you can do it. :)
Oh that really looks cold! ❤️❤️
Thank you Sno.. in these years I can't take it like years gone by .. went fishing this AM .. 2 degrees F and within an hour I was feeling the bite. And we are still in Autumn.

Yes I feel cold looking at this - and the sky there is very similar to what it is here!

It's a beautiful painting. I really like those blues.
Thank you Kay .. skies are a delightful vison except when they are mean and angry

Your winter paintings are making me not dread winter so much, Wayne. There is color and light and beauty to be appreciated and this one does just that!
Thank you Donna .. it's cold but very beautiful if you get the right day.

nicely playing with the tones of the four branches of trees. well done.
Thank you Lazarus .. yes the separations of groups give a real sense of depth.

That is so good. I sure love how you use the knives. Sometimes you freak me out how you can do it.
Thank you Arty .. like I say: sometimes I get lucky and forget I can't paint and then I paint. The knives are like me: just a tool in the mind of the creator.
Gorgeous. I never get tired of studying your knife work, Wayne. You make it look easy, and I know it isn't. Beautiful job!
Another good one Wayne, I'm glad you feel better about the process. As has been said, the knife work is outstanding and inspirational.
Thank you Anne, Terri, Perry, and Trier.
It's more about leaving out than putting in.