Winter Light I


old man

11 x 14 Inches .. oil on paper .. alla priam .. knife/brush .. painted Dec 15/21

From the idea within the chair series of painting each one based on how I felt on the particular day, I chose a
painting from John Carlson to use as my study guide. He was pretty much a formula and observance painter
from what I gathered by reading his book. One of his paintings should contain the elements I need to
paint a landscape. I am not making a copy but rather using his light and value and basic lines of composition as
a guide. I will paint the scene as I see fit on a given day. On this particular day I felt more inclined to get the basic
structure down and retain the value masses with close to what I consider natures coloring.

As Vincent would say: "After John Carlson" .. my painting "Winter's Light I"
using John Carlson as an inspiration. Credit due is given.

These are all studies and I will not change them but your comments are more than welcome as that is part of the learning process as we..
I think this is one of your most dynamic landscapes because of all the elements, shadows, and depth that leads into the distance. There are also more colors in your palette here. I love this!
Thank you Ayin. Probably because it's not mine. 😅 Well, it is but I had a head start with the values and lines.
Very nice, the viewer is led right down(up?)the path into that orange light in the distance.
Very nice! Carlson did snow so well. Are you familiar with Aldro Hibbard? His snow paintings are incredible as well!
Very nice Wayne. Love how you captured the light in this. I like the composition too.
The wonderful contrasts and backlighting in this really draw me in...wonderful work after Carlson.
