Winter In The Hills



Viewing Distance

and front up


5 x 7 inches oil on panel .. alla prima .. knife
Wayne, I'm assuming you are trying to illustrate the difference between how a painting appears when viewed at the proper distance compared to when you are too close up life size on a monitor. This has been a bugaboo of mine for a while.
Your knife work does seem to blend and smooth out from a distance, Wayne. This is a nice one!
Yes Murray. Even at that size it needs a viewing space. It is more realistic in life still because cameras lump color where your eye will mix.

Thank you Donna. Our eyes are much better painters than any knife or brush. We can do well with limited information. Personally I find too much information stiffening.
Thank you Sno and GrantCee
Murray. Apologies, I answered your question but forgot to say thanks. Thank you.,