What ROCK Music are you listening to?


Active member
Since it appears that the thread with a similar title is mainly dedicated to Classical music, I hoping it is ok to create a ROCK Music thread...

I realize the term "Rock" covers dozens of different genres and I openly admit to not being a fan of many of them, but here goes anyway, I'll start with some older classics...


Actually, the thread, "What Are You Listening To?" covers a broad spectrum of musical styles and genre. If you delve through the thread you will find not only Classical but also Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country & Bluegrass, R&B, Non-Western music, etc... I know I have posted examples of every one of these.
Actually, the thread, "What Are You Listening To?" covers a broad spectrum of musical styles and genre. If you delve through the thread you will find not only Classical but also Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country & Bluegrass, R&B, Non-Western music, etc... I know I have posted examples of every one of these.

Yeah I agree, the other thread is enough. I did want to start one for German Reggae though.
Actually, the thread, "What Are You Listening To?" covers a broad spectrum of musical styles and genre. If you delve through the thread you will find not only Classical but also Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country & Bluegrass, R&B, Non-Western music, etc... I know I have posted examples of every one of these.

I think you may have started that thread, so hopefully you are not taking it personal, I do see a few rock songs in there, but the fact is, that it is mostly Classical, Jazz and non-Rock, if you want to continue posting in your thread, I fully understand, but I don't see having a rock-only thread is a bad thing...


Problem is, how does one define "rock"? It's rather limiting.

Especially since it leaves out Taylor Swift? :)

Even a "not classical" thread puts a lot of music on the fence. Although it would leave out a lot of boring music. ;)
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Looking at the first 5 pages of the thread, "What Are You Listening To?" you'll find posts on the following non-classical artists:

Benny Goodman
The Pretenders
The Rolling Stones
The Byrds
The Beach Boys
Marvin Gay
P J Harvey
Bill Evans
Joni Mitchell
The Doors
King Crimson
Miles Davis
The Rolling Stones (again)
Bill Evans (again)
Ray Charles
Duke Ellington
Oscar Peterson
Benny Goodman (again)
Thelonius Monk
Thelonius Monk (again)
Bill Evans (again)
Lee Konitz
The Ahmad Jamal Trio
Jerry Mulligan
Paul Desmond
Los Lobos
Al Green
Stevie Wonder
Bonnie Raitt

It shouldn't be surprising to see the amount of Classical Music on a thread devoted to anything any member here is listening to when you consider that the term covers almost the whole of music from the Middle Ages (and earlier) through the 20th century. There is simply a hell of a lot of it. The history of the visual arts would be far smaller if we only considered work from Picasso onward.

I agree that it is challenging to define almost any musical style. Rockabilly, Funk, R&B, Heavy Metal, Progressive, Punk, Disco, New Wave, etc... what does or does not qualify as "Rock"?

As for "Classical" being "boring"... perhaps its just over your head. ;) Preferences in Art... music... literature are largely in the eye and ear of the beholder.
Do you visit any other websites? Ever been to the Steve Hoffman site? There is tons of Music stuff there, why can't you let this go? Do you feel you need to argue or defend the thread you started? Can you just stop?

I have thousands of CD's (even some Classical) and I NEVER said Classical is boring!

Now, back to some ROCK links...

Sorry it was me that called classical boring. It's only over my head. Daring to say what everyone thinks but is afraid to because the classical snobs will say that it's over our head. It's not. It's just mostly boring. I have a lot of it. A lot of boring classical. And I have the best taste in music so I have classical. IMO :)
Try not to argue folx. ;) Keep it light. Having a discussion about what makes rock "rock" and other genres what they are can be a great thing to talk about in this thread. Perhaps consider that?

It would be nice to have more genres of music showing up more often on the original thread and not have to make a new one. But the fact is, anyone can create their own thread. And it's not a competition. Let's see if we can make something constructive of this.

I will say this: I do agree that one genre (rock in particular) is very limiting—and not just to music, but culturally. If you're slicing hairs: rock is predominately white, but it comes from R&B. So yeah, that's a good question. What is rock, really? :unsure:

And yes. I've been to Steve Hoffman's site.
Try not to argue folx. ;) Keep it light. Having a discussion about what makes rock "rock" and other genres what they are can be a great thing to talk about in this thread. Perhaps consider that?

People complain that classical music is too complicated, too much terminology, too many sub-genres and so on. But it's really simple compared to the broad spectrum of popular music. Go to Wikipedia and check out something like, say, rock music. And then you have punk rock. And punk fusion, and fusion rock, and post-punk fusion. And Kraut rock, and post-punk fusion gothic semi-heavy metal garage hillbilly rock. And so on and on and on and on (okay, I slightly exaggerate, but only slightly).

If you think it' difficult to "get into" classical music, you'll have a nightmare trying to make sense of popular music - the fans take it really seriously, and there are more rock and pop genres than there are genders in San Francisco.

Jeez folks, I just want to find something nice to listen to. :D
Music, like Art is very subjective to the Listener/Viewer... Each of us makes our own personal opinion.

I always liked Bob Newhart's quip about Country music and the thing is you could take his quip and switch any music genre into it and it would still be funny...

That being said, I have always liked this one:

This one is kinda rocky... okay it's very rocky.

Nuno Bettencourt - "Gravity," from Schizophonic

Meant to be played LOUD. ;) (Not unlike the classics!)
