What are you working on?


Well... I'm not sure how much this might count toward working on my Art... but I have finally settled on a title for the last painting. This is usually a process that involves me living with the work in front of me for a period of time. Ultimately, I'm not certain how important the titles are in my work. I find myself often thinking I should just follow along the lines of James Whistler and name the paintings after formal elements and forms as classical composers: "Symphony in White no. 1", "Harmony in Pink and Grey", "Nocturne in Black and Gold", etc... Anyhow, I've been reading/rereading Baudelaire's Les fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil) for the 100th time and I was struck by the poem, La Chevelure (Head of Hair) which deals with a touseled head of hair and felt to me quite evocative of the mood of this painting. So... this painting is now La Chevelure (Hommage to Baudelaire).

Beyond this... I have gotten the next paper hung and taped off and started the linear elements for the background. I've also been going through thousands of reference photographs thinking about what I want to do on the next painting. I am thinking about another nude because I want to play around with something more challenging than the portrait/busts I've been doing for some time... but we'll see.
Love seeing what everyone is working on. I am working on a portrait of one of our town's icons. This little guy I suppose is considered on the spectrum but he is very intelligent in many ways and can remember everyone he has ever met. Calls them by name and remembers what they do and who they are related to. He can tell you the scores of all the basketball and football games in our town all the way back into the 60s and 70s. He is now in Hospice though, and doesn't have a long time. Everyone loves him. I'm making the portrait and planning to donate it to the athletic department at the school. I have more to do and a few corrections to make but it is what I am working on.
Now I'm back to my Discarded Snapshots series (finally) and have been on this one for the last few days. Slowly but surely. Oil on gessoboard, 16 x 16 inches (Sorry for the dark/fuzzy pic):

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Omg, those drapes! :love: And the cloud and rainbow! I can't wait to see this one's completion.

These have become one of my favorite series of yours, Ayin. They're so unique.
Love seeing what everyone is working on. I am working on a portrait of one of our town's icons. This little guy I suppose is considered on the spectrum but he is very intelligent in many ways and can remember everyone he has ever met. Calls them by name and remembers what they do and who they are related to. He can tell you the scores of all the basketball and football games in our town all the way back into the 60s and 70s. He is now in Hospice though, and doesn't have a long time. Everyone loves him. I'm making the portrait and planning to donate it to the athletic department at the school. I have more to do and a few corrections to make but it is what I am working on.
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Incredible work, Sno. What a lovely project. He sounds like a fascinating man. Your red here is gorgeous!
Thank you JStarr, Terri, and sno. I wish I had a better picture, but I will when it's done, if I ever finish it! :ROFLMAO:

I made the mistake of popping all over the place and now I kinda have to wait for parts to dry before I can continue on, and it's so thick, who knows when?

Sno, yours is fantastic!!! You always capture the true essence of people, and your technical skill surpasses that of most I have ever seen. Truly. ♥️
Thought I'd do a flying dragon picture. I have a vague notion of the House of Dragons television show. The guy who played Dr Who ten years ago, Matt Smith! (Just remembered his name. Getting old.) Rode a long snakey red dragon. I haven't a clue what I'm doing.
Thought I'd do a flying dragon picture. I have a vague notion of the House of Dragons television show. The guy who played Dr Who ten years ago, Matt Smith! (Just remembered his name. Getting old.) Rode a long snakey red dragon. I haven't a clue what I'm doing.View attachment 33917
A tricky perspective- I'll watch with bated breath
Try using a chair with legs down and away for some povs of how it has to go. Or stretch your own legs out- anything that you can find to mimic that pov. Doesn't have to be perfect emulation; you're the artist- sketch bits on other paper as you figure out how it has to go.

You'll do fine.
I love this Brian! Why wouldn't you call it "work?" It's wonderful! I love those colorful balloons and that goat is awesome. ;)