What are you up to?

Oh, I love cats. I want to race over right now and talk to them snuggle up. Do you know what I used to love doing with my cats? My big fluffy cats laying on the bed…I used to love putting my face gently on them and hearing them purr Especially their fluffy bellies. I know that sounds weird but I know a lot of people do it! 🥰I found it very calming. There’s nothing better than coming into a room this time of year when it’s cold outside, but the sun is starting to get brighter and warmer, shining through the window and the cat is stretched out sunning itself on the bed. Then laying down beside them in the sun. Heaven!
A house doesn’t seem like a home without a cat.
Your cats are beautiful!
I bet your kitty is happy to be home.
I love kitty purrs. Best sound in the world. 🥰
And I agree. I can't stand a house without cats. Many years ago when I went to University, I lived in a townhouse for a while. My cats stayed back home with my parents and my house felt so lonely without them. So quiet.

Even right now. Both are running around chattering to each other and it's making me smile. The house feels full again!
I felt the same way when I went to University. I was so lost without my pets especially my cats. These days I can’t have them anymore. I developed very life-threatening allergies just touching a cat. It extends to more animals. They think it is the protein that’s left on the fur when they wash themselves and it’s a protein that’s from the urine. So you can have it with bunnies and other animals. I was heartbroken when I had to rehome my cat and he was very close to me. He was extremely cuddly like you see in those videos. He wasn’t always like that. He was a street cat, but he learned to trust us. I did find him a wonderful home, and I heard that he was quite happy every time I checked up on him. But there was no mistaking it. The last time I touched him almost took me out. He looked so hurt and confused too, when I couldn’t even go near him. It was a little bit heartbreaking. But you know I got 50 years of cats- lots and lots of cats and other animals. I’m so glad that I wasn’t allergic when I was a child. I got to have a lot of the joy. Go give your cats a snuggle for me. They’re absolutely wonderful animals and some people totally misunderstand cats. And they’re like people they have personalities. Once in a while, you meet a difficult one or even a mean one. But mostly they’re awesome. And they are extremely affectionate once they decide to be.🙂
Sunday afternoon painting with my new icy colors watercolors, trying out colors in my little sketchbook and small watercolors painting on last year's buy cold press paper pad.
Aw... your kitty looks just like Kaido. :)
We purchased a tracker for him. It arrived on Saturday so we got it all set up for him. We want to get one for Kishka too, but we're still working on her handling. Interestingly enough, she seems to have become more receptive to things since Kaido returned. She's been more accepting of pets since. Too bad she has to go for boosters today, so that'll all go down the toilet...

They really are wonderful pets though. I've kept a wide variety of animals in my life, but cats will always be my favorite. They bring so much joy, affection and entertainment to a house. I feel like anyone who says "cats are boring" just isn't keeping them happy enough. :)