Way Back Then ..


more than 20 years ago when my only influence was Group of Seven
11 x 14 oil on panel Alla Prima
Very effective painting Wayne. I like that you don't make snow white like so many artists do. I even tend to do that myself and I know not to. :giggle:
Lovely piece! There's that great light on the snow again. Are you Canadian by chance? Just wondering.
Thank you Sno and Arty.
Sno, when I started paint everything was white. Now there is no pure white anywhere.
Yes Arty, Nova Scotia. Born, Nfld., most of my adult life in Ontario, and retired in Nova Scotia.
Hey Wayne -
A real smasher in my book!
That bright blue of a clear winter sky, glancing sunlight and red leaves still hanging on (sumac) are so very effective and well done.
Makes me nostalgic for my N.E. Ohio home.
Beautiful. The red tree I inspired. I love the group of seven, but my favourite is Tom Thomson, who helped inspire them I believe.
Thank you Trier ... sorry

Thanks Trudy .. he was a front runner .. his enthusiasm for painting is what I think pushed them. If memory serves me, most were high end illustrators in their work field

Thank you Patrick
Very effective painting Wayne. I like that you don't make snow white like so many artists do.

Or the "whites" of the eyes.
Superb pic.
How you real artists can paint a tree that stands proud of your background is....
well.....what it is, is talent I guess. There is no way I could paint a tree that projects
upfront from the horizon.
Thank you Dave, but it's not talent. It's learned. Some have to beat the pavement more than others but we can all learn at our own pace.
Ah, I am a fan of Group of Seven. This painting is a good representation of their style, like somewhere between MacDonald and Lawren Harris. Excellent.