Watercolour seaside


Well-known member
Hi folks, I took my little Windsor watercolor pan set to the beach. It's been years since I used wc's. So out of practice and only had a couple of old oil brushes that I had to soften.
Really overworked bits like the rocks. So different to my pastels. Useful experiment. 6x8 inches. Back to pastels I think....
What? You're just as talented with WCs, me thinks! All the greenery is amazing! The water blends are perfect too. ♥️
Amazing job, especially with oil brushes, softened. You had that working against you and still did a great job. ❤️
Thanks Bongo and Sno. I managed to score a bush in a kid's section in town the other day. Horrible, once wet it just collapses, binned. The paper is NOT, and quite textured, not my favourite, but what I had. Thanks for comments.
Thanks Bongo and Sno. I managed to score a bush in a kid's section in town the other day. Horrible, once wet it just collapses, binned. The paper is NOT, and quite textured, not my favourite, but what I had. Thanks for comments.
I've bought kiddie brushes like that before, thinking I'd save a few bucks. But they are worthless, and it's hard to think of even a kid not getting a little frustrated seeing the brush collapse and simply not function.

I don't think you should abandon the water colors. This is lovely, and you're getting some nice detail in there. Those rocks might have felt over worked to you, but to me as a viewer, I can appreciate the color build-up here. They look great!