Watercolor Bonsai

Oh, that's nice, Joy! I keep waiting for something that good to come out of my Canson XL sketchbook :)
Thanks so much for your input! It helped that I did not use much water. Sketchbooks can't handle much, and they lift easily.
Beautfully painted, Joy! One of my sons gave me a ittle Bonsai Tree for Christmas, it's a tny Hebe. I'm intending to paint it in my sketch books.
You've nailed the values here with this beautiful bonsai, Joy, and what a smart subject to choose for practice for later landscapes, etc. It's really captivating. Frequently I leave the white of the paper and skip painting a background as it adds light to the subject. I think Tony Couch would love this, especially the hints of red in the darkest darks of the leaves.
Kay - So gracious of you to comment on this, and offer your learned thoughts. Your suggestions are always spot on. What to do with th BG is often perplexing. Although I have not see Tony Couch like anything but a barn that looks like it should be condemned! 🤣