Valley Ford - xpost Ink & Marker


Well-known member
Farm at Valley Ford, CA. Ink on paper. 9.5x4". B. Charlow 2023
Valley Ford ink watercolor 2023.jpg
Nice one, Bart. I think you could have fun with crops, color options, etc. if you ever want to use it for reference.
Nice one, Bart. I think you could have fun with crops, color options, etc. if you ever want to use it for reference.
Thanks, Donna. Was thinking of that too. Originally figured I'd paint it in with watercolor or something, but decided to leave it as is for that reason. Can always copy it and do another treatment. But note that this was the second painting of that spot; the first was a pastel that I have yet to post.
Nice work, Bart! I love the simple lines from your sketch above, and you certainly expanded it with these deep, rich colors in your painting. Wow!

The sienna color of your Pastelmat is perfect here.
Nice work, Bart! I love the simple lines from your sketch above, and you certainly expanded it with these deep, rich colors in your painting. Wow!

The sienna color of your Pastelmat is perfect here.
Terri, for the record, the pastel was painted first, later the ink. I did the ink because the long horizontal format was what I envisioned in the first place and I liked it better, but didn't have the appropriate pastel surface in that format. Something about the long repetitive live of trees is what originally caught my eye. It went on beyond the ink composition toward the left in real life, BTW. As I composed it painting sitting down the trees appear to extend above the hill in the background, but any time I stood up, they were silhouetted fully against the yellow hillside making for a slightly different composition. Didn't paint it that way, though.