Through The Eye Of The Needle


old man
Dreaming Of New Horizons.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. paintedFeb 28/24
It seems in my scearch of laying images to get shapes I have threaded the needle but have no pattern to sew. The escape to new horizons has been stopped for lack of knowing on how to proceed. I think I will abandon the idea for the moment and get back to finding my way of expressing shapes as reality but with the absolute minimum I can use and yet have them live in the viewers mind and look whole.
In closing, I think this is a very solid piece with a lot of shapes where you can find a story if you wander around for a bit and allow your mind to develop the film before you. I can't tell you as it's my story but if you look intently you might get a glimse. And yet, thought the experiment failed in giving me a road, I know I have gained secrets of painterly painting and hopefully I will see the results in my future paintngs. IE .. Tomorrow; onward we go.
It's a strange strange world we live, an' that is that. 🎸🎼🎵🎶🎶🎵
This is full of interesting marks and movement. I almost see a self portrait of you looking into your future paintings. I will be following.....
Love this one! I see several figures here, some engaged in work, perhaps, and the center maybe just in reflection. It's easy to try to define what some of these shapes could be, but I'll keep my thoughts quiet. ;) It's overall moody and contemplative, in a good way, and really engaging. I'm enjoying looking at it. ❤️
I see the figures too and like the way we have to work a little to find them. Like Terri said, they seem to have a purpose. This is quite interesting!
Thank you Jo: that is an interesting take and quite viable. I had not seen it from that perspective. :love:

Thank you Terri: some observing, some contemplating, some at work, and some on their way. ;)

Thank you Donna: I, like you, think they fit in their environment. (y)
Fascinating. I see several figures that were possibly not on purpose. The painting begs you to roam around with your eyes. Well done. ❤️
Yes Terri. Good on ya. The fifth is iffy but once you see him he won’t go away. We won’t mention the boat. 😉
I see the 5, plus a Doberman, a Yorkie, the boat and the statue of liberty. :giggle: