Those Apples


Loitering Member
Well, they've shown up again ;-) The ref photo really gets around.
Anyway, blue India ink, opaque pan watercolors, water-soluble oil pastels, and pigment.
I love the combination of purple and green, even this yellowy green. It's beautiful!

I've seen other interpretations, and yours is as wonderful and unique as the others. Love seeing those OP's in use! ;)
Thanks so much, y'all! I must confess that I sort of "borrowed" the purple background idea from member Joy's underpainting from the same reference 😊

The apple on the far left looks like someone stepped on it and my attempt at folds in the fabric bg looks more like a rip, but I had fun with this one.
Thanks, Lazarus! I saw one of your paintings yesterday and I thought it was one of Monet's paintings at Argenteull, which makes your kind comment all the more encouraging :-)
Thanks, Lazarus! I saw one of your paintings yesterday and I thought it was one of Monet's paintings at Argenteull, which makes your kind comment all the more encouraging :)
I call it painting of a moment. which i can paint just the moment i feel i can do it. people saying you need to love what you are doing, and they are correct, so even if someone depressed he can paint what makes him feel at this situation to make his mind to forget the depression by loving the moment for a work that catch his attention of love.
Water-soluble oil pastels are a whole different level of frustration - I've had some for ages and still haven't much clue what to use them for. Love the way you mixed-up the media with this - great colours and texture!