Thinking about pouring a stamp for my signature. Any ideas?


Well-known member
So I have a set of metal stamps that I use to stamp my initials on some of my woodwork. Or at least did when my shop was still functional.
I’d like to keep the same for my artwork. I've experimented with using the stamps themselves the paint isn’t good for them and its difficult to not damage paper or canvas with them.
I’m thinking of using the stamps to create a mold to pour an identical stamp for my artwork. I’ve just never done this before so I’m wondering what I could use for the stamp?
I’m assuming some kind of rubber would be best but is there anything out there that’s good for this use? Have any of you done this before?
There are sources online that will create the kind of stamp you're looking for:

That's just one example, you can find many more.

Unless you're the kind of artist/craftsman who insists on doing it yourself.
I was back in the 70's (sorry kids) and I found a piece of 1 inch brass rod and used a dremel tool with dentist bits to carve the logo I currently use to sign art.
I heat it on a torch and brand it into wood, leather, etc.
You can also carve a design into a raw potato or carrot and do it that way.
Today, there are many outlets on the internet that will make something for you, your design or letters, and using laser carving technology or 3D printing, it shouldn't be too expensive.
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Thanks but I was hoping to make something of an exact copy of the stamps I have now not in a materal that wont damage paper or canvas. And if i make it myself I know I'll be able to remake it when it wears out.
I could use an imprint of them in wood or even make a mold fairly easily. But doing it that way I'd then need rubber or something that I could pour in and let set for the new stamp. I'm just not sure what would work best for that?
I just found something called Easy Mold Silicone Putty. There are YouTube tutorials if you think this might work for you.
You could experiment with RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) silicone that is used to make moulds for casting sculptures. There are many YouTube videos on RTV mould making that will get you started.
I think rubber stamps are good for stamping on paper using special stamp indelible inks. What do you have in mind about ink or something else? Are these inks compatible with your mediums?
I think rubber stamps are good for stamping on paper using special stamp indelible inks. What do you have in mind about ink or something else? Are these inks compatible with your mediums?
I'm thinking about just using paint on the stamps. I'm leaning towards using silicon to make the stamp because I already have some here if I can find it.
You could use embossing tools with a flat die on the flip side of the painting if you are willing to emboss your initials.

Embossing Tool
That's an interesting option. But I'm more interested in keeping the signature identical to the one on my woodwork.
But if it doesn't work out I may try that. Would it work on canvas?