The Wharf


Well-known member
This is an approximately 5.5" x 8.5" watercolour painting on Canson grained 250 gsm cold pressed watercolour paper. I used an unattributed image on Pinterest as my reference.

The Wharf.jpg
I like the pale color of the distant buildings. The figures add interest and scale.
Beautiful job! The foreground of people under the tree are a nice play against the background buildings. Great job of getting so much depth in this smallish watercolor paper.
Joy, Terri...Thank you.
I would like to paint larger but I found that I was not painting (and even sketching) often enough because larger paintings and sketches take more time. Therefore I decided some time ago to sketch and paint much smaller, and with very low expectations. That has ensured that I pick up my pen and brushes more often.
Hi Balaji, I agree that the smaller works make it easier at times to paint etc. the daily ATC's I'm doing often end up as 10x15cm or slightly larger at a second sitting. I also find I have more confidence to "make mistakes" when small. They teach me heaps in composition. You will paint bigger when you are ready. These are nice small works in the meantime.
Thank you Murray. I also think that it will be easier to paint large than to paint small, but I may be wrong. One thing though, painting large gives watercolour a better chance to do its stuff.