The Rock .. little piece of Nfld



11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 7/22
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Fantastic job! I really like the transition from the ocean to the beach.
Thank you Jo, 16ga, Sno, Grant, Sanlynn, and Bart

Sno: it's fun so it takes little to no effort. I cheat and stay away from detail.
That's what I like about it Wayne, you leave the details to the imagination of the viewer, but it is easy to "see" them. (y)
This is such a nice painting, Wayne! In addition to a beautiful composition I like the color harmony very much and as always the expressive knife work.
Thank you Donna .. I was about to disown it when I put the green in the water and that brought it back to life.

Thanks Lamar
I wish I had your work ethic too. I spend too much time (slow time) on one piece, or more, at a time, with about a thousand distractions going on at once.

This one is absolutely stunning! ♥️
Thank you Ayin. I only post the ones that are half ass good. For every one I post there is probably two I don't. I am trying to get more minimal and that means less time when I get it right. Still having trouble as I am still getting more than I need to tell the story. You are much busier than I as my distractions are a drink or a snooze.
Wayne, I especially like the foreground in this one, where you capture the color and texture of the water over the sand.
I feel bad I've been so busy because I miss out a lot on the forum, but hopefully I'll get caught up soon. :rolleyes: