The Next Sketch Is


Next is a chef
Hey Michael. Don't mean to be a wet rag, but maybe you should read this over? Just trying to nip this in the bud is all.
oops.. sorry Arty! just to clarify... the issue is referring to WC, or that i used the acronym WDE (weekly drawing event) and is considered jargon.... or both?
oops.. sorry Arty! just to clarify... the issue is referring to WC, or that i used the acronym WDE (weekly drawing event) and is considered jargon.... or both?
You can mention Wet Canvas if you want. I don't care. I have no idea what their WDE (Weekly Drawing Event) is. I still don't understand why the acronym must be stated at all. However, I'm sorry I didn't catch that what it stood for was in parentheses the first time I just looked at it and there were the capital letters. That's part of the problem: me (or maybe someone else?) might see something like that and think they are just not part of this "club." I know that's definitely how it's made me feel all this time. But whatever. I'm just person who runs this site.
M62A. why not?
i think im addicted to unfinnished paintings else i dont know why i have so many.:)
View attachment 13783
Next tornado


I think taking this on a trip would be a great way to ensure noone gets in your way. :ROFLMAO::D
I could also use on of these on my way to and from work in busy traffic as well. (y) LOL kidding of course.

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