The Fox and the Henhouse


Contributing Member
Watercolor, 4x6", Canson 140lb watercolor paper (much nicer than 90lb!)
Trip, the Cat, has no front claws, but the birds stay away from the feeder when he's out. Thanks for looking. C&C welcome!

I can relate to this. Our neighbor's cat sits for hours under our feeder staring up at it as if the birds don't notice he is there. The moss on the tree is a nice touch! Well done!
Wayne, thanks!
Donna, Trip Gave up shortly after I took the photo, the birds stayed away for a long time. The moss was much more yellow under that sun, I appreciate you commenting on it.
Lol, Sno, thanks. When He's not around, I've seen cardinals ,flocks of wrens, and bluejays . Poor boy!
I always so look forward to seeing your art posts. This one is so cool. I love it! It's charming and endearing. I like your watercolor technique and palette more and more. ♥️
Arty, thanks! I really appreciate your comment.

I started one in gouache last night. It's nice to be back painting even this little bit.
I'll add it here later.
Here's Trip, the cat, again.
Gouache, ~4x6" on Canson wc paper. cross posted to the Water media Forum. I hope this is better sized. C&C welcome.
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I like how you handled the blue background--those horizontal lines are a nice touch, and the XX lines in the birdfeeder look wonderful. ♥️
I love this, ntl! It feels illustrative and looks so lovely. I like the hint of stripes on Trip, and I love the name too. Such great painting!