Sun on the Rocks



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Oct 8/22
Good movement in the comp. Brighter colors than your usual, Wayne. I like this one.
Really grabs me. Lot’s of atmosphere and depth from values and color. Angles of composition work well with the knife work.
Oh yeah! I'm really feeling this one, Wayne. The warmth and depth here is very impressive. A beautiful ridge line to happen across while out hiking, and I could gaze out there for hours ❤️ Wonderful!
Thank you Terri: another man's vision where I played my style using his wares.

I don't have such beautiful scenes as mountains and valleys. 😫
Thank you Desforges. It's a lot of trial and error and hack away till the whole is as pleasing as the parts. Every now and then I get lucky and pull a rabbit from a hat. Smoke, mirrors and imagination; fun when it works.