Studies in portraiture


Mostly Illustration
It's about time I learned how to draw and paint people.

I've been hard at work learning how to draw and paint the head. Today I went through and studied how noses are constructed, and rhythms to look out for in these forms and how they relate to each other.

Below is my study sheet. I'm a bit too embarrassed to show my portrait practice yet! Maybe once I get a better handle on all these forms I'll drop one on here.

I'm using Marco Bucci's Understanding and Painting the Head for this. Well worth the money I spent on it. It's a fantastic resource that I keep coming back to.


  • nose 12-2023.png
    nose 12-2023.png
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If that is your study sheet, then you've done a fantastic job with that nose. Now put all the pieces together and make a portrait. :giggle: ❤️