Strip It Back


old man

Wayne Gaudon .. Alla Prima .. Oil on Paper .. 11 x 14 inches .. thinking I want to strip things down even further .. first step here
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I like this a lot, Wayne! Your knife work provides so much interest and texture.
Thank you Donna. I'll just have to practice more and get my colours right from the start. A lot of it is make a stroke and leave it alone. Easy to say, hard to do.

Thank toy Sanlynn.
Thank you Desforges: nice you are back.
That's just gorgeous, stripped or not.❤️❤️ As a side note, I see a kitty cat peeking out from behind the bouquet. :giggle:
Thank you Sno.
Yes, and a bluejay coming out from behind the vase to the viewer left of the vase. I think the cat was hunting.