Staying The Course


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 15/24
Ok, so instead of running back to impressionistic floral paintings, I have decided to stay the course and just keep trying to express myself in my own way. I imagine I will get some real duds but hopefully I can get a few good pieces and after all, as long as I enjoy the process I don't really care about the final piece. It's just another piece. If I don't like it I toss it and if I like it I keep it and my survivors can toss it. I am going to post in oils as they are oil and other than that I know nothing.
I am not going to name the pieces as they are all part and parcel on the experimental phase I am on right now.
I’m glad you’re going to keep experimenting, Wayne, and I know you will enjoy the freedom of not worrying about the results. I see the still life bones of this one. Very cool!
Thank you Donna. I think I will have a skeletal fabric to my art. For now, anyway. I feel it leads the eye along the abstractions that create the whole.
I really like what you've done here, Wayne. The heavier outlines, the thicker stroke of the paint - all very eye catching. I love the blue of the bottle top, and the bit of yellow inside the bottle.

This is an interesting and very good piece. Hurray for experiments in abstraction! ❤️
Thank you Terri. My fave passage is the bottle as it makes a lovely abstraction.