Sorry, it took me a while to get back on the forum and see your work. Thank you for posting it. I think you are off to a very good start!
Watercolour I found, had the biggest learning curve. Hardest to learn. I came from oils so.....completely opposite. More unforgiving. But there are tips and things you can do. The longer you practise the less you need to worry about mistakes needing fixing.
Never rush. Try not to go in on wet to add more detail ( unless it’s a wash)-it will mess up the paint and dry wonky. Lines, and wet area that blooms uneven. If you want to keep moving, use a hairdryer. Have your paper taped down With low tack tape. Less rippling. But some tapes with hairdryer use can pull up paper on removal. I had that happen once. Perhaps I used too much heat with the adhesive.
Some pigments are staining pigments (like red), and are very difficult to remove with any techniques. Some are granular and will not be nice if you don’t want that texture. Use accordingly. A Magic Erasure from the household cleaning products can help remove paint. I haven’t had to do it much but other artists have assured me it’s a real help. It worked for me when I tried. I found hot press paper may be good for details but if you end up needing a lot of washes or some reworking, the paper gives out. Disaster!
You have captured your subjects well. Their poses, dimensions, the feel of them.
Keep going!