So, you wanna fight, or what?


old man
AA Mar0723.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Mar 7/23 ..
an old bronze or brass statue I have had on my window sill for about 27 years or so
.. imagine him going out on the battlefield only to find out his enemy has invented guns ..
Thank you Ayin. I got a bit or rose mingled in with the yellow to tie the statue and table. I was happy with the brightness it gave forth.

Thanks CaliAnn.
Thank you Sno. Glad you don't need a translater cause my brian is fried right now. Tax time
That's ok, I really have to proof read before I post. Between me and ass backward spell check substitutions there is some terrible grammar. Besides, another comment on a dead thread.😂
I love how you achieved the bronze here! Against that light small feat! Really well done, Wayne.