Flowers III


old man

Mellow Yellow 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nove 9th/23

... whom ever came up with calling someone a yellow belly for being a coward sure got it wrong .. yellow is humble, glorious, and full or righteous ...
I agree about yellow!! It's funny how certain colors get associated with negative emotions, isn't it? I love yellow!

I also love your yellow flowers, in all their yellow/yellow-orange glory. A beautiful arrangement. The background here is - kind of amazing in its own right. Wow! This one is a real winner. ❤️
Thank you Terri. Yes, weird how some colours get associated. Glad you noticed the background. It took a bit to be sure it took its place in the rear.
I agree, yellow has so much impact. This is just so powerful. In such a gentle subject.
Those fluffy yellows! I like the background a lot too, Wayne, and think you know how to make flowers look so glamorous.
Thanks JennieJo .. soft love smack

thanks Donna .. I think it’s the backgrounds that make the subject the star.
Thanks JStar. It was an in the zone piece for sure. Nice when one gets lost and nothing is outside the moment.
Oh wow, this may be your best one ever! Those yellow flowers are glorious! Love everything about it! ❤️ ❤️
I always thought yellow was associated with intelligence and friendship, but I don't know where I got that. This is a beauty Wayne. I love it! ♥️
Thanks Aylin. It’s all in our life’s experiences how we learn to associate. I grew up with yellow belly meaning coward but these days I think of it as the sun. Glorious and full of warmth.
Thanks Joe. I actually liked the table over the flowers but the brilliant yellow is impossible to ignore.