So Gone


Did I post this recently? I meant to. This is one of the bigger ones I've sold more recently. The collector hung it on her wall in her living room, replacing an Ed Moses (if you know who he is...).

So Gone, 2019. Oil on canvas, 60 x 40 inches.

I don't recall it Arty. I like it. Very simplistic. You are getting as bad as me on memory. I started to post one this morning and never did, just sat here thinking "have I or have I not?" 😊
I have so many paintings that I forget which ones I've posted, and so few I actually really like, so. Thanks for liking this one. :) I was happy when I sold it for the asking price and sold a few others at that last show. The bigger ones don't usually sell, but this one did. Twas a good one.

I want to do more (sorta like this)--these are from the drawings that come out of my weird sketchbook practice. The ideas are kooky and interesting. Personal, but cryptic enough.
I like that it looks like a sketchbook drawing - complete with noticeable erasure. That is a "neat" idea. But I guess it represents a disembodiment or loss of consciousness. I like it a lot. I'm receiving a Twombly-esque vibe from the spareness.
Thank you so much Iain. It seems like you got the full vibe of what I was trying to get across. It's about disassociation really, so you got it spot on.
You might like the large, drawing-like paintings of Rose Wylie. I believe she only began to come to prominence and receive recognition in the last few years, in her eighties. I think she and her work are great!
Thank you so much SLG. I appreciate the recognition.

Iain, OMG, I LOVE Rose's art. I mean, I'm obsessed! Thank you for that link. I never heard of her before. 😮