Snow Snow And More Snow



11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. knives .. the blur is because I scraped it back and added a few essentials
Had time so I did two others .. seperate thread .. Two For the Price of One
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You give the impression of details with your knife work, Wayne. Very nice piece!
Oh, I feel the chill in this one! Love your purple-y blues and that wonderful olive-brown tree in the foreground. It's gorgeous. Whites in all the right places.
thanks Queen

thanks Penny .. I keep thinking Penny Lane .. you mist have got a bit of that growing up ..

thank you Terri

Thanks Jo

Thank you Perry ..
Wayne, very nice with good contrast, deth and a great palette. Yes, I can feel the cold in this too. Beautifully composed with the opening in the treeline to the view off in the distance,
Great stuff here. (y)
thanks Queen

thanks Penny .. I keep thinking Penny Lane .. you mist have got a bit of that growing up ..

thank you Terri

Thanks Jo

Thank you Perry ..
Yes, Wayne. I was also called “Tuppence”!