Snow Scenes


Both 11 x 14 oil on paper Alla Prima ..the first "Late Snow" and the second one "Trail" . @nd is more of a tonal piece


There's those great trees again. I love these. You really captured great light in the second one, and I am obsessed with those skinny trees in the top one. Great light in that one too. ♥️ ♥️
Thanks Arty, Yesterday's sessions painted from old photos. I do need a holiday to get some fresh photos. Those are little babies and most everyone loves babies. They add dimension.
These are both great Wayne, I especially love the top one. It gives that dreary, cold feel of winter. Very well done. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Sno. You haven't posted in awhile but maybe you are busy selling off your cleaning supplies. o_O Hook, line, and sinker.
I wish I had time and brain power to paint Wayne. Let me tell you about my week. Just this week. Last Saturday I learned that 4 members of my husband's side of the family had COVID, then later that day 2 of my neighbor's boys drowned in a farm pond, Monday my brother tested positive for the new Delta variant, Wednesday his wife tested positive and Thursday my ex-sister in law was bringing horses in from the field and rolled her ATV and killed her. See why I'm not painting at the moment?
Holy shit. I am so sorry for your misfortunes. I complain and then I watch the news or hear someone else's fortunes and I immediately close my eyes and thank my maker for my good fortune. I don't think I have a lot of influence but my thoughts are for better days for you and yours. HUGS ... Me
Thanks Wayne, I didn't mean to dump, just explaining why I wasn't posting any paintings at the moment. :giggle:
Snoball, I'm so sorry, feel contolence to you and your family.
I hope that those infected with Covid will soon be well, best wishes for a speedy recovery, a warm greeting
Thank you Marksmom and Joe, but let's not hijack Wayne's thread for his beautiful snow scenes. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
OMG sno. I had no idea you had experienced all this. I have no words! All my deepest condolences, my thoughts, and heartfelt feelings are with you now. ♥️
A couple of really fine ones, Wayne, very likeable.

Just to bug you, I see a puddle in the first one and a stream in the second; water !
Thanks Trier. Not bugging me at all; that is the beauty of abstract passages. People see things based on their stored memories and so things become more interesting because they are not foreign. If shadows become puddles and roads become rivers, who could ask for more. Glad you like them.🤗
Enyaw, I almost missed these two beauties and want to say that they have a very special light, both of them. Beautiful misty colors. I truly like these two harmonic pieces, I can't pick which I like better but they would have earned each one their own threads.
Both are great! You manage to convey wonderful scenes while moving pretty fast, I’m sure….