Enyaw old man Messages 8,067 Dec 30, 2021 #1 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. Knife .. Painted Dec 29/21
Donna T Contributing Member Messages 3,201 Dec 30, 2021 #2 Nice one, Wayne. I can see the trees, cold sky and blanket of snow. There's a lot of abstract inspiration when bare branches can be seen.
Nice one, Wayne. I can see the trees, cold sky and blanket of snow. There's a lot of abstract inspiration when bare branches can be seen.
Enyaw old man Messages 8,067 Dec 31, 2021 #6 Thank you Ayin .. I thought it playful for the imagination. Thank you Desforges .. yes, I thought of Renoir after looking at the finished piece. Movement and Color Thank you John and Zen Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
Thank you Ayin .. I thought it playful for the imagination. Thank you Desforges .. yes, I thought of Renoir after looking at the finished piece. Movement and Color Thank you John and Zen