Sienna Counterweight Easel


I've been looking for a large studio easel for eons, and I think I'm going to be getting this one pretty soon. It's a lot of dough, but I got an award recently that can pay for it. It works with counterweights, so no more struggling to lift the canvases and heavy panels up and down. I had a counterweight easel over ten years ago and absolutely loved it, but I had to sell it because I moved studios and didn't have the ceiling height to accommodate it. This one is made for lower ceilings. The one I'm using now is one where I had to cut off the center mast and remove the casters, and it's still a struggle because it will only go so high before it bumps into the ceiling. It's also not the easiest to lift up and down. I will be looking forward to this beautiful thing once I purchase it and it gets here. Don't be too jealous if it really happens, but I'm 99% sure I'm going to get this monster. :ROFLMAO:

SO JEALOUS!! There is nothing like having great equipment to make the creative process go more smoothly.
When the check comes, I hope I'll be ready to pull the trigger. Thank you everyone. ♥️
If anyone else, I might be jealous, but for you I'm excited and happy - well earned and will be put to good use.
Thank you all. I am so happy that you all are happy for me. I still feel odd about making such a purchase, but I think I can get over it pretty quickly. :ROFLMAO: