Sharing my bowkey


Supporting Member
Just sharing the bouquet I ran out and cut before the rain. I love lilacs! Could just bury my face in them and breathe. The peacock feather bouquet is behind the floral, not part of it. Don't look at the dirty air vent, it no longer vacuums clean, I'm going to have to scrub it when we are finished with building fires. :giggle:
Spring bouquet.jpg
Since you mentioned the farm, and the now defunct dairy herd, I have been bursting to ask you questions. Like, what do you do with the land now.

The thing I remember about Lilac trees is they sucker. At least, the older varieties do.

Philadephus coronarius 'aureus' gives off a really pungent scent.

Btw, I had to look up its name.
Since you mentioned the farm, and the now defunct dairy herd, I have been bursting to ask you questions. Like, what do you do with the land now.
We try to keep the weeds brush-hogged down in the pasture and most of our acreage is wooded so it makes a good place to take walks.
All I can do is focus on that filthy air vent! ...Just kidding.

The Lilacs are supreme! I can smell them from here. ❤️ Beautiful!
All I can do is focus on that filthy air vent! ...Just kidding.
Honestly, that is what I see too.:LOL: I should have scooted the table over so you couldn't see it. I have to scrub it when we quit building fires. :giggle: And there are redbuds in there too, they just don't smell as loud.
I was reading redbugs, that you had redbugs, not redbuds, in your air vent. I googled it and to my surprise up popped a tree.

We try to keep the weeds brush-hogged down in the pasture and most of our acreage is wooded so it makes a good place to take walks.

Sounds idyllic. The woodland walks.
I was reading redbugs, that you had redbugs, not redbuds, in your air vent. I googled it and to my surprise up popped a tree.

Sounds idyllic. The woodland walks.
It's nice, we have deer that even graze in the yard, I love the hills and woods. Have to watch for copperheads though. And the Redbuds are in the bouquet, not the vent. :LOL:
wonderful bouquet,
the strategic framework is also wonderful.
both wonderful and wonderful the fields of lilacs. right now I don't remember the smell, actually I don't like the smell of carnations.
a song said he wanted to fly over the lilac fields, he's right ..
