Shabbos Dinner Abandon WIP

Thank you for saying that Wayne. Those decisions (and mixing) take longer than the painting process!
Agree. Sometimes I have to scrape it out and then add the color that doesn't fight what is already there. 😳
I can see why progress is slow, you have boocoos of details to finish out. This is very energetic but will be fabulous when finished. 💝
This is looking good with color! I am one of those people who love the look of half-finished work and this painting really works for me as is. Your unique sense of color and pattern are already adding so much to the story. It's probably good that you aren't in a rush to finish.
Thank you Donna. I have actually thought about leaving some of the items looking a little "undone" on the table from here on out. I finished the wallpaper yesterday. The tablecloth will be pink, but I am going to make the items "rough." So, I agree with you. :)

Here it is now:

Great progress on this one! ❤️ I love the texture. Can't wait to see how you finish it off.
I finished this and posted it in the Contemporary Forum here. Thanks everyone for your amazing encouragement! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I just love the lines, design and overall composition, which is very pleasing. What I enjoy the most is there are many areas of interest, leading the eye through the painting. I know what you mean that the decisions take longer than the process. I remember the late Diane Maxey, when I attended her workshops, felt the same. She quipped,"You paint with your brain!".
Thank you Zoran and Joy. Joy, Maxey is so right! And thank you so much for taking notice of all the parts of this piece. Your critiques are always so thoughtful. ❤️