Scavenger Hunt from Life #47: Nov 23 - Dec 1

Joan T

Well-known member
Scavenger Hunt from Life #47: Nov 23 - Dec 01

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you've participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:

Here are the rules for the Hunt:
* All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life - not imagination or photo reference.
* Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes / parts / colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
* You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
* All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be # 1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
* Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don't have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
* Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
* Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read / comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required

Scavenger Hunt from Life #47: Nov 23 - Dec 01
Related to a sport
Related to medicine
Related to cooking
Related to relaxing
Related to travel
Related to your car
Related to your sense of smell
Related to your sense of hearing
A plant in a container or pot
A building or house
A set of stairs or steps
A source of light
A source of energy
A self-portrait or portrait
#1 relating to sense of hearing ... Miss Iris was taking lesson...80% done with the sketch.. then she got up and walked a way...
#2 "............................" of smell... Miss Lily, picked me a jasmine from our garden


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Oh, FUN list Joan

Ai ...nice openers..... love the airy piano for all the good sound waves. And the full feeling dark background gives the simple perfect flower.....nice ......per you I will try doing immediate watercolor this hunt......what ink on the piano sketch?
Oh, FUN list Joan

Ai ...nice openers..... love the airy piano for all the good sound waves. And the full feeling dark background gives the simple perfect flower.....nice ......per you I will try doing immediate watercolor this hunt......what ink on the piano sketch?
Thanks Robin. I use Pentel Fude touch brush/calligraphy pen for the golden brown.
#3 related to travel ... my folding chair for a painting/sketching trip ... a bit wonky result... but fun 20 min. digi. on a new ipad, we got for the girls, figuratively for their education purpose, ;) using IBisPaint app.

Hi Sylwia, Joe, Ai, & Robin!

Ai, I always love seeing the sketches of Iris at the piano and hearing her play when you post videos on FB. Mmm...I can imagine the smell of jasmine that Lily gave you. Good job on the chair which comes in so handy for plein air sketching.

1 - buildings - watercolors and ink
2 - source of light
3 - thin electrical wires
4 - related to travel (cars & traffic lights)


5 - related to relaxing (boat) - watercolors & ink
6 - set of steps
Joan: Thanks... wow... lovely festive charming holiday city scene. I love wonderful depth you have depicted. Also beautiful marina/home... Did you do wc first, then ink?

All: Happy Thanks giving to all in US. or who celebrates.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of those in the USA who are celebrating today. I am so thankful for all of you and your support here. Have a great day!!!

EP, thanks!

Ai, thank you. For both I started with the ink. The first one I went back and forth with the ink and color.

Sywlia, love your monochromatic coffee sketch. I could use a cup right fact that's what I'm off to get right now.
Ai - Well done on Miss Iris at the piano. Like the color ink. Jasmine from you daughter is great find and nicely done. Cool digital!

Joan - I like the look of the first one. It has a urban feel but no tall buildings so reads “town in the suburbs”. Second one says old house by the beach.

Sylwia - like the coffee pot and cup both in composition and technique.

#1 cooking related - Sauce pan. Ink in pocket sketchbook. Got lost doing overlapping ellipses for top.


Keep sketching
@AiArts – very nice sketches. Superb line work on piano.
Very well done, chair. The blue background makes it vivid.

@Joan T – beautiful scenes. Your landscapes and city scenes sketches will be wonderful motifs for postcards.
Nice sketched and shaded sauce pan @jmfletch

#2. Related to cooking.

Salt and potatoes - graphitint and inktense pencils on watercolour paper.

I went out with a small group of sketcher friends today. It was the same place we went last week, at the Artist House, by BangLuang canal. There was a temple nearby.

#4 Outdoor -- KamPaeng Temple, done in directwatercolor, about 40 minutes...



#5 A plant in a container or pot
#6 Multi-colored -- a Thai long tail boat
#7 Thin -- a lady tourist on the right ... she left the scene when I was only 50% done... so I did not let her see my sketch


#8 Sweet -- some Thai sweets
#9 Related to relaxing -- flowers in the vase



#10 Soft -- Thai mango and sticky rice


#11 A building or house -- a part of the Artist House by canal... mixed media, ground in watercolor, and top up with cp, under roof by nupastel

Hi, my name is Julie and I am a recovering sketchaholic.
Many of you know me from Wetcanvas. Then I faded into the background as life got really rough for a season. I'm not ready to jump in with sketches, I've still got too much on my plate but I'm taking it easy over this long weekend. My art supplies are still packed away in the garage but I still have access to minimal things like pencils & sketchbook. But I got a new keyboard/mouse and I just want to type, lol.

Ai: Wow, the girls are big now! I still remember the toddler sketches. Beautiful jazmine flower with your left hand. Love the simplicity of the lines in the hand. Nice job on the digi folding chair.

Wow, I really enjoy your sketches from your sketcher meetup. Oh, but I love that you got a picture of the boat on the river. Doesn't look too calm that day. Your mango rice looks yummy.

Joan: I always enjoy your work. Love that street scene for the awesome perspective.

Sylwia - Hello, nice to meet you. I see you're a fellow coffee lover. Well done on that coffee press and salt container.

Jo: I followed your link here, hehe. But of course I keep an eye on your blogspot so I knew where y'all went.

Joe: nice start to the hunt.
Joe, thanks so much. I wasn't perfectly happy with the first sketch of the town. For some reason I couldn't convey the crowded feel of the buildings on the left side. I'll have to try it again some time. Mmm...what are we gonna cook in that sauce pan?

Sylwia, nice look to your veggies in front of the canister!

Ai, you have been busy. I especially like your food sketches and the one of the sweets with the flowers makes a really lovely still life. The temple and the building are nice too. I'm jealous of the variety of interesting things you find to sketch.

Julie/Wabbit, thank you. It is so nice to see you join us again even if your aren't ready to sketch yet. I hope you decide to give it a go and join us soon. I hope that life is getting better for you.

I went out today determined to sketch something related to the holiday season. I knew Sayville was having their big push for Small Business Saturday and that they had a sort of winter wonderland event going on all day. It would have been fun to sketch the tree lighting and the things that go on with that, but it gets really crowded and usually cold, and I didn't think I would last for that long. Then I remembered that one of the churches there has a Christmas tree sale every year over Thanksgiving weekend. I usually miss it but I went over to St Ann's Episcopal Church. They had 750 trees delivered and it was really busy. I think buying a tree there is a tradition for a lot of the families in town. I ended up standing to sketch this because there was a fence around the area with the trees and if I sat I wouldn't be able to see. I was glad I remembered they were having the sale.

8 - outdoor - watercolor and ink
