Scavenger Hunt from Life#117 -- June 4-12, 2024

Joan -- agree w/ Jo, the roses are great. Makes me want to see them in person.

Jo -- yikes $80K. Like the feet and texture on your shoes.

I saw a barge docked at a gravel company on the Petaluma river today, and changed my hike so that I'd be across from it on the way back and make a sketch. By the time I got there about 4 miles later, it was gone :(
Thanks a lot you all, for kind comments... I am still under heavy final exam grading and turning the grades in such a tight deadline. Hope to come back with more comments later. Anyhow, the ongoing sketches are all fantastic.
Jo, thanks. Fun to see your feet somewhere new!! $82,000+!!! I don't even know what wheel well covers are. lol Good sketch of the back of the truck. When I was in Nissan the last time I looked at the sticker for one of the cars and couldn't even find the price...I guess it would be sticker-shock anyway.

Ned, many thanks. I wasn't sure the roses were on the trellises yet, or if I missed them. One of the workers told me they just started blooming there so I may have time to go back. Sorry you missed the barge. Things disappear when you don't expect it.

Ai, hope the end of the semester doesn't wear you out. Make sure you take care of yourself.
Ned: Thanks... lovely red bush on your walking path.

Jo: Thanks... Wonderful pastels...and yikes on the price of the truck... great sketch though. The digi of a comfy chair with a nice blanket is super... you have such patience to do the patterns.

Robin: Hello.

Joan: Thanks.... You have so many beautiful sketches... I love what you sit on... and the translucent wall of the plant shops is so well done.

Fletch: Thanks for your kind words. Glad you like my jasmines too.
Ai, hi there.

Joan, I was looking at your sketches and saw at the Yoga Delish place an Island Empanada. Did you check that out? Sounds different. Now I'm hungry......
Ai, thanks so much for your comments. Glad you found a little time in your busy schedule.

Jo, I didn't check out the Yogo Delish place or the Island Empanadas. After that sketch we had delicious ice cream elsewhere. How does white chocolate raspberry truffle sound?
I admit it... when I saw Joan's sketch, I started looking up empanada recipes :) Seems like lots of people use an oil crust instead of butter so I might give them a try....

Quick one after my walk today. Someday that big dome-like rock in the middle will probably be standing in the sea...
#3(I think) free space #2
Ned, I'm glad my post spurred some gourmet interest. I've never made empanadas, but I've had them a few times. I love the great beach sketch. I hope that big rock stays put...but you never know. When I was up in Maine we went down by the lighthouse at Pemaquid Point and a huge boulder (I think my sister said they estimated it to be about 170,000 tons.) was knocked off the rocky shore where it had been sitting during their winter storms. Nature is so powerful.

Robin, I like your sideways sketches...always worth turning my head for! Hope you are doing OK.
Joan, yep, the ice cream sounds so good.

Ned, you have a chef's thumb I guess. I like empanadas of any sort but too lazy to make some. Boy, I hope the big rock stays put. I like the shadows and form of rocks.

Robin, I like your cups and colors! Nice sketch of Audrey, whatever direction it goes. Your sketch makes me want a latte.

Ai, thanks for this Hunt. It's been a good one for me. I'm smiling about my homework.

I got in the car and went around the corner to find the mailbox with a motorcycle on top. Added the color at home. It is in the Strathmore small watercolor book for the car. Waterbrush, Acurit 03 pen about 5.5 x 7.5 inches. The little silver sculpture is smaller or the box should be bigger. There are about 7 mailboxes there.
Number 10 motorcycle


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Jo, that mailbox is fun with the motorcycle on it. I've never seen one like that. Nice sketch of it.

Ai, thanks so much for hosting! See ya'll in the next hunt.
Cool stuffs, Robin & Ned.

Thanks you all for keeping this Hunt rolling with so many wonderful sketches. See ya at the next Hunt by Joan.