Saucery. 🛸🍛

Wow, these are interesting! The first one reminds of those oyster mushrooms, like the saucers might be attached to a tree trunk that we can't see.
The second one is pure mystery. Odd saucer craft traveling through wormholes? Platelets rushing through the arteries of who knows what?
super ... it's no wonder Ayin likes it .. symbols galore .. shimmering sights and sounds.
Again, thank you all! It is a supernatural event to make something we like. I am feeling a bit tainted due to an unavoidable brush with bureaucracy.
Thanks Art. Too true.

Laika, I like drag. Recently, I dreamt I was imprisoned and spent a week in jail, in a cell. The cell door was slammed irrevocably behind me. It was really traumatic. It was real. I have done my time. I have been rehabilitated. Honestly.