Steven: Sasquatch is out there, too!
Christine: That's so interesting!
I have a couple of stories about personal "maybe it was" to share.
You know those rumours of a bad skunky/wet dog smells associated with being close to a Sasquatch? Well, when I was in high school, we lived on top of a great big hill (some might say a mountain but we don't have small mountains here) and we just lived in a really flimsy little shack. I had a wool coat because I had to trudge all the way down that big hill to go to school and back up coming home and we got snow up there whether people in the valley got snow or not. I had a cold and couldn't smell much with my stuffy nose, but during the night I did smell what I thought was a really bad stench of a skunk. It was so bad it seemed like I could actually taste that smell. And I mean REALLY bad, but I thought it must change the scent of a skunk when it's real close because this smell was different but skunky. When I woke up and went to school the next day in my warm wool coat, I didn't notice anything odd.
I shared a locker with another student and about lunch hour a teacher came and said I needed to go check to see what might be causing a bad smell in my locker because someone had complained. My nose had cleared up a little bit and when I walked into the locker room, I could definitely smell that smell---skunky-but-different smell---and it was my coat! And not only did it stink, it stank up the whole locker room from a closed and locked locker in the room. No wonder people on the bus had looked at me strangely and acted odd. Wool does pick up odors. I had to leave school early and take a ride with the counselor to take my coat home. A regular skunk spray wouldn't have been so oddly potent and clinging. It would have clung to the house but there would have been signs of a spray in that case and there wasn't.
And then a few years later during the CB radio craze we had here back then, I had some friends who were up in that same forested area trying to see if they could see a strange something-or-other some other folks had seen up there on a dirt road. When they were coming back down, they suddenly just completely histerically called out on the CB that they'd seen something walk across the road in front of them. They came barreling down off the hill and were convinced they'd seen Bigfoot. They even called the Bigfoot research organization the next day. The researchers did come investigate and they said they had found where it had bedded down and they said they could see remnants of stuff showing that it had eaten there. They were young men, not kids and they had screamed like little girls.

The researchers said there had actually been a Bigfoot there. It was harvest time so that made sense that it could find stuff to eat on that spooky old hill. There would have been apples and berries and such up there from abandoned homes from old times when people raised a lot of their own food.
If any of you want to do a Google search to see what kind of forest we have here, you could type in Hwy 58 Deception Creek and see what it's like around here. There's almost 2 million acres of dense rain forest here and there are plenty of places these creatures could live and thrive. It's just like the forests up around Mt. Rainier in Washington where the Navy plane crashed and they can't find the bodies, if anyone heard about that a few days ago. We have dense, lush undergrowth here and huge trees. This is a place where you don't go hiking alone because people sometimes just disappear.
There's a professor in Idaho who really impresses me with his serious research on Bigfoot. Jeff Meldrum is his name and he's been in some documentaries and has written a book you can get on Amazon but I've forgotten the title. I'll see if I can find it and post a link later today.