Sasquatch anyone? No---seriously. :P

Ellen Easton

Was Ellen E. on Wet Canvas
I even have a Sasquatch shirt. LOL I haven't worn it yet, but-----

I live in Sasquatch country. Some friends years ago saw one and even called in the researchers who did find what they said was its nest and the remains of what it was eating.

I've never seen one but I've smelled one. No on purpose, but they do have a really pungent odor that's similar to a skunk but a lot worse. At the time I was living on a heavily forested hilltop area where there weren't many houses.

Now be nice---I don't wear a tinfoil hat or anything, but will admit I do have a Sasquatch t-shirt. LOL Here's a video featurning Dr. Jeff Meldrum of the University of Idaho who has been researching them for years.

Now, I don't know that I believe concretely that they exist but I'm interested in seeing what the serious researchers find in the studies they're doing. We have plenty of dense forests where they could exist and I have an open mind, let's say.

I might have posted duplicates of some of this. I tried not to but if I did, the mods are free to just delete whatever they want.
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I live in So. Cal. not an area conducive of sightings, but I do believe they are real. There are lots of goofy of shows, commercials, products that make light of them, and I can see why the average or casual observer might think they are not real.

I won't bore, people here with my belief's, unless asked...
bizarro bigfoot elvis and alien.jpg

Crypto creatures, whether bigfoot, mothman, Loch Ness monster, whatever, seem to always be tantalizingly just barely out of reach. You can never quite dismiss them, and never quite accept them either.

I find it curious that big, ape-like creatures seem to be found in mythologies from al over the planet. We even have one here in South Africa, known as "waterbobbejaan" ("water baboon"). It is, you guessed it, a huge ape-like creature that walks bipedally, and often described as having red, shaggy fur. Perhaps not so surprising here in the "cradle of humankind", where fossils of hominids have been found.

But in a relatively smallish and densely populated country, an entire undiscovered population of such creatures seems unlikely in the extreme. Perhaps they come from some parallel universe that now and then "overlaps" with ours (which is the idea that John Keel proposed for such things as UFOs, mothman etc.) Perhaps in another universe they have legends of strange creatures wearing business suits.

The advantage of this notion is that it is delightfully untestable, so one can freely believe it. :)

I do wonder, mind you, whether by some miracle a population of thylacines is still out there somewhere. Sightings are commonly reported, but alas, once again, they can never be quite confirmed.

Of course, thanks to cloning tech, we may soon have populations of mammoths, dodos and who knows what else again. :)
Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only Squatch believer. :)

You know, people who haven't visited here in Oregon but say there's nowhere for them to hide just don't understand that it would be no problem for even one to be in our forests without anyone seeing them. The forests in our area of Oregon are rain forest areas with very, very dense undergrowth and in just my area, there's almost 2 million acres of forest without anyone living in it. I think they're much more advanced in their intelligence than a gorilla or chimp so they'd be perfectly able to stay out of sight most of the time.

Have you read the books written by David Paulides that have all the sworn statements from people who have seen them? They signed affidavits on each of their stories and a police artist did sketches of what each of them saw. Very interesting books. I recommend them. Tribal Bigfoot and The Hoopah Project are the names of the books. I've read them both and found them fascinating. I got them from Amazon.
I have not read any David Paulides books, they are typically too hard to find 9or expensive), but I have listened to LOTS ofb his videos and interviews and find him extremely compelling!

I like how he does not believe any ole story, he has a set of criteria, that must be met before he dives in. Since he was a former cop, he has a serious and methodical way of investigating, which I really appreciate.

Oregon, Cali and Washington are all huge hot spots...!
Brian, I know what you mean about there being small, densely populated countries where it would be almost impossible for there to be any of these huge, hairy creatures without anyone seeing them. Maybe you're right about the parallel universe thing. I have some books I find to be interesting that aren't Bigfoot books but are fascinating. One is One Mind and another is Real Magic. Also, Entangled Minds and The Conscious Universe. I think we humans have very narrow minds but I enjoy these books because they've opened my mind a whole lot.
The only way Bigfoot could exist, is if it is the second smartest creature on Earth!

Personally, I think it is a terrestrial creature and even though I do also believe in UFO's, I seriously doubt there is any connection nor any time portals that Bigfoot travels through.

Are you familiar with the the Sasquatch Chronicles website?
Steven, I find it hard to afford many books, too. I know what you mean about them being hard to find and expensive. I have a Roku TV and I watch his videos sometimes. He impresses me as being very and sincerely dedicated to what he believes. I'm always interested in learning new things and I have insatiable curiosity about so many things. I suppose I was that annoying little kid who was "why, why, why" about everything and I just never outgrew that.
Thanks for that link I wasn't aware of it before but I'll certainly go exploring there.

I don't disbelieve in UFO's. I think it's highly unlikely that they don't exist but on the other hand, it's one of those interesting things we'll be figuring out soon but haven't yet. I think the world is on the verge of having tons of mysteries revealed to us. I think that's fascinating.