
S III.jpg

both 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 21/24 of 24
... too early to judge so I will keep going .. notice I am getting more inclined to leave and object or two.
Lots of great depth of field in S II and I leaned too far right on S III
distance shot ...
S III  xx.jpg
The greens are gorgeous in the top piece. Luscious. I don't usually look for the "real" in work like this, but I do love the area which looks like it has a flower. I wish it was exaggerated to act as such, but it's probably not a flower. What do I know?

The second one has a lot of interest. I want to know what's happening in the distance. Is it water? Is it God? Is it extraterrestrial? An underwater bomb? The sun? Something unexplainable? I love that I do not know. ♥️
I really love the colors in the first one and my imagination gets going with the second one. Well done. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Ayin and Sno.
Ayin, it could be a flower if you want it to and I love that you find a question. I remember an old si fi that had a ruling robot and they killed it by asking the question, Why?
These are so cool! I love the colors in the first one and how some color areas are distinct while others have blended borders. Is it a close up of lichen on a rock, a view from space of land masses or is that really a flower? I like how it changes every time I look at it. The second one definitely looks like a landscape to me because of the horizon. I’m walking across a land bridge to an island of gold. I’m rich! Oh wait, is that some kind of tsunami coming at me? I knew it was too good to last. 🙂
Thank you Donna .. and yes Donna, you have such good questions? But today I want to look at the story.

I’m walking across a land bridge to an island of gold. I’m rich! Oh wait, is that some kind of tsunami coming at me? I knew it was too good to last.
.. that is an outrageous story but I can see it now that you have explained. I look at the painting and see the story.
Where it gets interesting to me is ... Should somebody else told the story of what they saw. Then, could I see their story in the painting. And on and on and ...... I can tell you what I see but I'd rather hear some others.

Any takers?
Thank you Ayin and Sno.
Ayin, it could be a flower if you want it to and I love that you find a question. I remember an old si fi that had a ruling robot and they killed it by asking the question, Why?
I LOVE that! A movie, show, or book?
To enter the painting I have to pass the hungry diansore bird whose
beak reminds me of a alligator, but that's another story. He sits on the
center to the gold and guards it. On the left is my way past the bird so
I take the yellow brick road and I try to get past. Lucky the greenbacks saved me.

Now I stand in the darkness and I look out ot see a canoe with trees on it and
a man wearing a mask of gold lying on his back He must be dead, I guess
and then my eye is grabbed by the light and I wonder what is that,
a cloud or a swan taking fligh into the blue. I also notice far away land
in the distant right.

Then the light pulls me back and then the gold holds me while I I fear the bird
whose sight is awful and so I am sold on the gold. I'll just roam around here
for awhile.
You said my story was outrageous! 🤣 Isn’t it great that we can each see different things in an abstract? I see your vision, Wayne, but I wouldn’t have without your descriptive words. Funny how that works.
Thank you Donna .. isn't it great .. that's why people are so easily fooled .. believe half of what you see ... I do hope others will add their story to the pile .. interesting readings .. We are reading the second piece.
I am in awe of all the poetic, imaginative readings by my colleagues above, but I am above all in love with the physicality of your paint and your colors. You are the master of contrasting lights over rich darks.