
old man
C V.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 24/24
In this series I am only painting what I feel like painting on a particular day. I have a reference and from my reference I pull out what speaks to me. I am not trying to unify my paintings by staying in any particular field or palette. I am simply painting for me. Quite enjoyable when you forget about rules and pleasing except little old me. Enjoy .. take care .. take a seat, relax, life is precious and slips by so fast.

distance view:
C Vxx.jpg
I like this Wayne! It looks like a sacred place that maybe only you know how to get to. Why shouldn't we paint for ourselves? Life is too short not to.
Thank you Donna. It's all part of trying to find my style. I was going to do 10 but I think I am done after 7. I lose interest in the shapes and find myself groping for tangibles. However, though I did not get a load from the thought of extract-ism I feel my painting will benefit greatly as I got what I wanted in an unexpected way.
Thank you Joe, and PaintBoss.

What is funny is I started the series with an S and then two days ago I called it C. Strange.
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This one is very nice, and quite interesting, Wayne.❤️ I find that I struggle with commissions, where I am trying to please someone else but when I am painting just for me, it usually just flows and I enjoy myself. Those are the ones I often sell first too.
Thanks Sno. Yes, I agree. The ones that flow are better paintings. Commissions suck. I would never do one again.